The Aga Khan strongly believes and practices in serving the humanity, as it is a strong component of Islamic tradition called Huqooqul Ibad, the rights of fellow beings. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had said the best among you is the one who sees to it that his neighbor is fed and cared for. Imam Hazrat Ali (ra), the 4th rightly guided Caliph (Leader) who succeeded Prophet Muhammad in providing the leadership to the Muslim community says, "The best man is he who is most serviceable to fellow humans."
Dallas, Texas. Sunday, July 11, 2010.
53 Years ago today, His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan was appointed to become the 49th hereditary Imam of the Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims succeeding his grandfather, Sir Sultan Mohamed Shah Aga Khan III.
Since then, every year on that day and the week around it, the Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims celebrate the day called the “Imamat Day” and the week of “Khushali” peace and prosperity. The Imam, in their spiritual tradition of 1400 years is called Hazar Imam, the current Imam.
Per the tradition he interprets the Quraan for daily living to his 15 million plus followers spread out across the world. He has fulfilled his role as the spiritual leader in guiding the community to prosperity and living a responsible life in the societies they live.
In gratitude for his continued guidance, the Ismaili Muslims celebrate this week honoring him and reaffirming his leadership with a renewed commitment to serving the humanity.
The Aga Khan strongly believes and practices in serving the humanity, as it is a strong component of Islamic tradition called Huqooqul Ibad, the rights of fellow beings. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had said the best among you is the one sees to it that his neighbor is fed and cared for. Hazrat Ali, the 4th rightly guided Caliph (Leader) who succeeded Prophet Muhammad in providing the leadership to the Muslim community says, "The best man is he who is most serviceable to fellow humans."
One of the sayings of Hazrat Ali that resonates with me on a daily basis is, “A wise man needs each day an hour to set apart in which to examine his conscience, and measure what he as gained or lost”. My Maternal Grand father Shaikh Hussain said “if you attend a funeral of a stranger to match each wedding you attend of a friend, the contrast will straighten you out to become a humble servant of humanity known as Khaksar.”
Both Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Imam Hazrat Ali (ra) had continuously advocated living in a moderation and a mid path between the worldly and spiritual needs. The Aga Khan has fine tuned that balance between living for oneself materially and living for the others spiritually and has founded the Aga Khan Development Network that is committed to serving the humanity without regard to faith, origin or gender. I believe AKDN (http://www.akdn.org/) is one of the largest Non Governmental bodies serving humanity to stand on their own feet.
We wish a very happy Imamat day and Khushali to the Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims and blessing of long life to the Hazar Imam HH Karim Aga Khan. Amen!
Link: http://worldmuslimcongress.blogspot.com/2010/07/happy-imamat-day-to-hh-aga-khan.html
PN: I have been sharing the essence of celebrations and commemorations of every religious and cultural traditions under the title "Festivals of the world" for over 15 years now under the banner of Foundation for Pluralism. I don't write/speak on every one of the events, but surely make an attempt to do as many as I can in the time I have avaialable to me in a given day. The idea is for us to know a little bit about each other, as it paves the way to greater understanding and a cohesive life.
Mike Ghouse is a speaker, thinker, writer, optimist, educator and an activist of Pluralism, Justice, Islam, India, Peace and Civil Societies. He is a conflict mitigater and a goodwill nurturer offering pluralistic solutions on issues of the day and is a frequent guest on the media. Mike's work is reflected at three websites & twenty two Blogs listed at http://www.mikeghouse.net/
World Muslim Congress: Happy Imamat day to HH Aga Khan « Ismailimail
ReplyDeleteWorld Muslim Congress: Happy Imamat day to HH Aga Khan By Mike Ghouse. The Aga Khan strongly believes and practices in serving the humanity, ...
World Muslim Congress: Happy Imamat day to HH Aga Khan « Ismailimail
ReplyDeleteBy ismailimail
World Muslim Congress: Happy Imamat day to HH Aga Khan By Mike Ghouse. The Aga Khan strongly believes and practices in serving the humanity, as it is a strong component of Islamic tradition called Huqooqul Ibad, the rights of fellow ...
Ismailimail - http://ismailimail.wordpress.com/
Congratulation to Mike Ghouse First Muslim other then Ismaili Muslim to comment positive about The Aga Khan
Mike, I've read your many blogs and found you to be appreciative of our beloved Imam. I hope and believe that critics from Muslim Ummah have an impartial view and appreciate the good things that are done by Imam. Today, in a world with so much of despair and despondency, he holds light to the poorest of poor. From mountainous regions of central Asia to poor African continent, his efforts are matchless. We may have different views on Islam, but that shouldn't deter us from praising good work. Few of our Muslim brothers are obsessed with passing judgments on our beliefs. Prophet's (PBUH) hadith states that you believe what you believe and we'll believe what we believe and Allah will decide who's right amongst us. Allah alone can be judge so let's not take that baton in our hands to say inappropriate things about our Imam who is Aaley Nabi Aulade Ali. Nizar Ali
ReplyDeleteMike, Thank you for posting the akdn link on your website. Up until now all I had heard was that AK and his followers were infidels, etc. etc.
ReplyDeleteWhen I went to the akdn site, I found more links to this noble man’s work. I was amazed at the amount of work this man and his followers are doing around the world.
It took me several hours to go through just the AKTC (AK Trust for Culture) link, wherein I saw that, in Afghanistan alone he has restored the Buddha statues; a Jewish Synagogue!!!Rebuilt Babur gardens and restored them to its original beauty; where Hotel Kabul once stood, there is a beautiful Serena Hotel!!!
In another link, I saw that he has built ice-skating rink for children, restored a football field, built hospital and schools and pre-natal care by midwives in the remotest regions of Afghanistan.
I also read that he has restored Sunni Mosques in Africa and built Madressas where religious as well as secular education is imparted.
I am still reading….What I am wondering is that how does one man and his minority community do all this without Kingdom, without petro dollars, etc? How, Mike?
I believe he cannot do all that without the grace of Allah S.W.T.
His work knows no boundary. He works as though he was given mandate by Allah S.W.T. to take care of His creation!
Now, why do I not see any comments from my people on this forum? Why are only the Ismailis commenting? Are we ashamed that what 1 billion plus Muslims cannot achieve is achieved by AK? Or are we in denial.
Where are Dr. Jamil, Student of Quran, Kaukab, Mohammed Sulaiman, Hasni, etc.
I am so grateful to you Mike, for lifting the veil of ignorance from my face. Thank you, thank you and thank you. You have saved my soul.
The first sign of love for the Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, is that he/she will follow his example, apply his prophetic way in words, deeds, obedience to his commands, avoidance of whatever he prohibited and adopt his manner in times of ease, hardship, joy and disappointment. Allah says, "Say (Prophet Muhammad, 'If you love Allah, follow me and Allah will love you." [Aal Imran : 31]
ReplyDeleteThe wave realizes "I am the sea",
and by falling into the sea prostrates itself before its God....
Thank you Mike for enlightening the Muslim Ummah with the knowledge of the works of HH The Agakhan around the world.
ReplyDeleteThank you Mike, for recognizing the importance of HH The AgaKhan's contributions towards humanity and also for guiding his followers to walk the path of true service to humanity by giving us the opportunity to serve through the Agakhan institutions around the world. He is our role model and we truly love him with total loyalty.
ReplyDeleteShenaz Halari
Please visit the official websites such as www.akdn.org, the ismaili.org, aku.edu, etc. I regret that my personal actions fall way short of the teachings of my faith, Islam. Visiting these sites one is confronted with how much each individual can contribute to all human brothers and sisters around him. May the Almighty guide us always on the Right Path, in deeds and actions. Ameen!
ReplyDeleteHabibullah Chunara
Thank you Mike and all the above writers. I wish our fellow Muslims who are ignorant about the essence of the belief of the Ismaili Faith and the Role of the Imam will get in insight.May Allah grant them the understanding that what is being pratised by the Ismailis is indeed Islam ( the religion of peace, sharing and caring )
ReplyDeleteZinat Khan I am very impressed by your comment:
The wave realizes
"I am the sea",
and by falling into the sea prostrates itself before its God....
This is the very belief.
we can still achieve the glory that Muslims had achieved in all the endevours of human knowledge if we work the way we Muslims did in the Prophet's(pbuh)time and seriously following his footsteps,if a single person can do all these imajine what a billion plus muslims can do,jus contribute one cent for every salat that we say and that is 50 milliaon a day.
ReplyDeleteActions speak louder than words and that's how this community has reached its goals