Edmund Burke said something to the effect that the crimes continue unabated NOT necessarily because of the criminals but because of the good people not doing anything about it.
When we hear wrong things, we may remain silent, because it may suit our agenda; wrong or right. What if every one remains silent because it suits them? I am sure you are aware of the Martin Niemöller’s poem he wrote during the World War II - He said, first they came for the communists and I did not say anything about it because I was not a communist, then they came for Jews, I did not say anything because I was not a Jew..... And it continues on and ends with.... finally they came after me and there was no one left to speak for me.
The McCain gang is doing just that, being silent when some one is abused. Thank God, General Collin Powel spoke, and then Campbell Brown has spoken up. We need more of them, as ultimately peace and prosperity comes when we are just and not consumers of evil.
Watch the Fox news, the men there find it convenient to ignore the evil words as it suits their evil agenda of creating chaos. Are they evil? You judge when you hear O'Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh and their likes talk. I have no idea why CNN has kept a hate spreader Beck among them.
Here is a wake up call from Gen. Collin Powell to the opportunist Republicans who have no shame in silently watching hate take over and destroy ournation. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/27265490#27265490
Here is Campbell Brown of CNN tearing the hate mongers apart. The Journalists owe it to themselves to learn to question and not be the sycophants.

God bless Collin Powell and Campbell Brown
Please do read the comments - which will include article on the same subject.
Mike Ghouse is a Speaker, Thinker and a Writer. He is president of the Foundation for Pluralism and is a frequent guest on talk radio and local television network discussing interfaith, political and civic issues. He is the founding president of World Muslim Congress with a simple theme: Good for Muslims and good for the world. His comments, news analysis and columns can be found on the Websites and Blogs listed at his personal website www.MikeGhouse.net. Mike is a Dallasite for nearly three decades and Carrollton is his home town. He can be reached at MikeGhouse@gmail.com
Hope for Muslims any where is in the hands of Muslims themselves and not in the hand of any other nation - Muslims of the world if they are united and act like Muslims - ie Trustee of God on this earth to take care of every one and every thing God has created ,establish socio economic justice on this earth , nothing will go wrong to them or to any one living on this earth.Muslims have been guided by the Universal and Last Prophet of God to live in this world as a traveller lives and always be at the giving end.
ReplyDeleteThis is what Islam is all about.
Hesham Ahmed Syed
Article of interest.
ReplyDelete*Los Angeles Times October 15, 2008
*Both McCain and Obama should condemn implicit attacks on Muslims and Arabs.*
*By Constance L. Rice*
*Excuse me, but when did the words "Muslim" and "Arab" become acceptable epithets? *
* *
*I'm not a Muslim, and perhaps I was slow to see this coming. Four
months ago, I blithely advised a group at a local mosque not to obsess over the anti-Muslim undertones of the presidential campaign. At that point, Barack Obama was defending his Christian bona fides against "accusations" of "being a Muslim" (as if it had suddenly become a Class-D felony), but was doing so without condemning the implicit slurs against Islam, Muslims and Arabs. *
* *
*In a "don't worry, be happy" tone, I breezily noted that although the
stoking of racial fear and xenophobia was a cherished tradition of
American politics, I really didn't think that this time around the
candidates would permit the wholesale slander of Islam or Muslims. *
* *
*Apparently, I was wrong. The undertones have become screaming
overtones. And it is past time to object. *
* *
*If it wasn't clear before, it became crystal clear last week in the
aftermath of Republican rallies. Fomenting fear to shore up drooping
support, Republicans sadly used heated demagoguery about "palling around
with terrorists," about "Barack /Hussein/ Obama" and about how Obama
doesn't "see America like you and I," words that mixed subliminally to
conflate "terror" with "Muslim" and to whip crowds into xenophobic
anger. After his enraged supporters were recorded uttering death threats
and racial slurs, McCain was forced on several occasions to try to tamp
down the anger in the audience and to defend his opponent. *
* *
*That was a good step one -- until McCain blew it. A woman stood up in
the audience and said that she just couldn't trust Obama because, as she
put it, "he's an Arab." McCain shook his head, took the microphone and
said: "No, ma'am. He's a decent family man, citizen, that I just happen
to have disagreements with on fundamental issues." *
* *
*So, what is he saying? Arabs aren't decent family men? They can't be
citizens? *
* *
*The fact is, neither McCain nor Obama -- who continues to combat absurd
attacks on his Americanness -- has been willing to speak out against the
implicit slurs against Arabs and Islam. *
* *
*Is it really too difficult for Obama to respond: "For the hundredth
time, I am a Christian, and if you are suggesting that there is
something wrong with Islam or being a Muslim, you are wrong"? *
* *
*Would it be so hard for McCain to say: "There is no room in my campaign
or in America for religious or ethnic intolerance -- that's what we're
fighting against"? *
* *
*Maybe I missed the denunciations amid all the hoopla over
field-dressing moose, but it looks like the next ice age will arrive
before the NAACP, the National Conference of Christians and Jews or the
Anti-Defamation League loudly objects to the implicit defamation of
Muslims and Arabs that has seeped into this presidential campaign. *
* *
*Women rightly protested gender bias during Hillary Clinton's run, but
we failed to strongly challenge the earlier bias against Mormons during
Mitt Romney's bid, and we are currently failing to refute the
anti-Muslim bias embedded in the assaults on Obama. *
* *
*It is a failure we need to correct now.*
* *
*Constance L. Rice is a civil rights attorney in Los Angeles.*
Brother Mike,
ReplyDeleteI hate to say this.If Bint is a muslim, in my opinion, he should be as guilty as Colin Powell
was when he told a lie to the world, and went to war against Iraq on wrong pretext.
Why Bint should be guilty ? because, to be a good muslim is to "forgive your enemy", as
taught by prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by his act magnanimity toward his enemies.
And, as muslim, Bint seem to be vengeful against Colin Powell, in spite of him leaving
his position as Secretary of State, and realize he had made a mistake, and repented.
Colin Powell was kept in dark by Bush Admn.,and had no choice but to tell lies to
United Nations.He then realized his mistake and quit his job as Secretary of State.
He has now endorsed Barack Obama.If Bint thinks Colin Powell is still guilty of
crime and should not be forgiven, it's his mistake, and might as well vote for
McCain, who in my opinion would be no less a lier than George Bush was.
Hasni Essa
Islam for Pluralism
Let me remind you in case you forgot, Colin Powell was the man who presented the world with a vial of anthrax and made the case for war, saying that Iraq had as much as 500 metric tons of chemical weapons To this day, not even one vial of chemical weapons has been found.
ReplyDeleteColin Powell is a war criminal. His endorsement of the weapons of mass destruction hoax was the material factor in the illegal war against the Iraqi people, which has killed over a million Muslims and displaced millions more - destroying an ancient society for the foreseeable future. He is a war criminal and should be held accountable for his crimes against humanity.
Do you still think that Powell is hope for Muslims? You are not serious, are you?
Bint Waleed
ReplyDeleteWhat Collin Powell did at the UN was wrong, standing up for the wrong men was wrong...
but look at his guts to speak out the right thing...he is a catalyst, as he had two other individuals take up on it... Campbell Brown and an Attorney....in the comment section of the article.