The story about Houston follows my notes;
Good things are happening, Muslims are realizing the need to serve the mankind on the models of several organizations including the Catholic Charities, where they simply serve the person in need, with no discrimination and no hidden agenda other than pure service.
In Dallas, we have two individuals pioneering this effort; Dr. Basheer Ahmed and Dr. Hind Jarrah. Both of them have raised funds to begin the home for homeless, and are short on funds, I hope the community feels the need for this, as a priority and gets this going. Please don't assume others will do it, if that was the case it would have happened by now. You, yes, you as an invididual need to do your share of taking care of the needy.
You will be amazed to know that the Muslim women are going through the same difficulties as women in all other communities, it is a shame that women, who are the foundation of the society have to go through this hardship. My late wife Najma and I have witnessed women thrown out of their homes by cruel men with no hearts in the middle of the night. The civility of a being is seen in how they treat others. It is time, we the men participate in this, to create a society that is good for all of us, Muslim Americans as well as every American.
If you are serious to serve or fund or find funds, please contact, remember if you are not serious allow them to serve the needy, please don't take up their time;
The civility of society is measured by how they treat the underprivileged and disadvantage individuals. I have difficulty using the words battered women, shelter etc. I would rather call them Women at disadvantage, Home for the Needy.
Jazak Allah Khair
Mike Ghouse
Pictures of the Houston ICNA Center: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeghouse/sets/72157622482491465/show/
ICNA Relief USA Has Started the Shelter Home for Homeless Women
Houston, Texas (Reported By ILyas Choudry / 10-10-2009): Famous Journalist and Houston Fox TV Channel 26 News Reporter Isiah Carey has called the Islamic Circle of North America Relief USA (ICNA Relief USA) Houston Homeless Women Shelter as: Providing Haven for Houstons Homeless.
We will able to accommodate 14 homeless ladies at a time, without any discrimination (religious and/or ethnic), at this ICNA Relief USA Houston Women Shelter Facility, We do have a procedure and interview all the candidates for eligibility to stay at our Facility. At this time, we are unable to house children with the women. We do have a food pantry, where any needy person can come and avail from the non-perishable food items. We also follow certain procedures for this pantry.
Moreover, we have an Islamic book service, from where people can borrow or buy books for their review. We are looking for generous cash donations from people of all backgrounds, to pay for the beds we have purchased for this shelter and for other amenities. People can give in-kind donations as well in terms of computers, not expired non-perishable food items, toiletries™, items used by women like hair brushes, lipsticks, etc., cleaning stuff, and so on. For this people can call us at 713-692-2408 or visit the Center located at 4021 Baden Street, Houston, Texas 77009.
These were some of the things informed at the Open House this past Saturday, October 10, 2009 by Manager of Operations Sister Munirah Vaid & Project Coordinator Sister Seemi Bukhari of ICNA Relief USA Houston Homeless Women Shelter.
This is building upon the success of our Temporary Housing Facility in New York City. We have a well known track record in the Southern States for sheltering those displaced by Disaster and providing short term emergency assistance. Now we will be offering long term care and shelter for internally displaced and homeless women,รข€ informed Ayub Badat, the National Executive Director of ICNA Relief USA.
Throughout the day from 9:00am. till 9:00pm., several gentlemen, ladies and families kept pouring into the Center for the Open House and prayed for all those involved in this project of extreme social need. For further information, Ayub Badat can also be reached at 1-917-602-4450 (Cell) or call Munirah Vaid 936-355-3751 (Cell) or Seemi Bukhari 832-382-1669 (Cell).
These were some of the things informed at the Open House this past Saturday, October 10, 2009 by Manager of Operations Sister Munirah Vaid & Project Coordinator Sister Seemi Bukhari of ICNA Relief USA Houston Homeless Women Shelter.
This is building upon the success of our Temporary Housing Facility in New York City. We have a well known track record in the Southern States for sheltering those displaced by Disaster and providing short term emergency assistance. Now we will be offering long term care and shelter for internally displaced and homeless women,รข€ informed Ayub Badat, the National Executive Director of ICNA Relief USA.
Throughout the day from 9:00am. till 9:00pm., several gentlemen, ladies and families kept pouring into the Center for the Open House and prayed for all those involved in this project of extreme social need. For further information, Ayub Badat can also be reached at 1-917-602-4450 (Cell) or call Munirah Vaid 936-355-3751 (Cell) or Seemi Bukhari 832-382-1669 (Cell).
i can do volunteer work for icna pls call 8328668617
ReplyDeleteWhere do women with kids go. It is a shame that a women in need will be turned away just because she has a child who was also banadoned by the father.