I am pleased to share the information about Ahmadiyya Muslims, written by Dr. Din Shahed, a leader of the community based in Canada.
Finding the truth is one's own responsibility, judging any one based on fiction or hearsay is not correct, as it produced ill-will. In the previous posting a clarification was made that we have the right to judge one's deviant social behavior as to theft, fornication, cheating etc, where as one's faith, an inner matter will be judged by God only and on the Day of Judgment.
Full article about the issue is at:
Mike Ghouse
Ahmadiyya Muslims - An outline
By Dr. Din Mohammad Shahed
Reality of International Ahmadiyy Movement in Islam
Ahmadi Muslims are Muslims and they whole-heartedly believe in Khatam-un-Nabiyyeen
For the information of our Muslim brothers and sisters in response to Maulvi's misleading articles
Dear brothers and sisters in Islam,
Assalamo Alaikum.
May Allah guide you to the right path of Islam. You are totally misguided about Ahmadiyya movement in Islam. You are under influence of the false allegations spread by the ignorant and prejudiced "mullahs" about whom the Holy Prophet Muhammad [peace and blessings of Allah be on Him] prophesied that they would be the worst creatures under the sky and on the earth!
2. If Jesus Christ, the Prophet is alive and he is to come again after the prophet [peace be on Him] then Jesus, the prophet will be the LAST PROPHET! Having such absurd belief you will be "munkir-e-khatm-e-nabuwwat"! And whoso is "munkir-e-khatm-e-nabuwwat" is "not-Muslim" according to the amended constitution of Pakistan, dated 7Th September, 1974!!
3. Think about if Jesus Christ, the prophet comes again will he be a student of”mullahs" and will he learn the Holy Qur’aan from a "mullah”? Or the Holy Qur’aan will be revealed to Him again after the Holy Prophet [peace be on Him]?
4.It is wonder that when Jesus Christ came himself 2000 years before Jews did not accept his prophethood and when He will come again {according to your belief} then you people will not accept his prophethood !!
5. Moulvi Bilal, may Allah guide you to the right path of real peaceful Islam. The Holy Promised Messiah and Mahdi [peace be on Him] the founder of Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, is the most humble servant of the Holy Prophet Muhammad [peace be on Him]. And the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam is the revival, renaissance and predominance of Islam movement and to unite all the good natured people from all over the world under the banner of the most benign, merciful prophet Muhammad [peace be on Him].
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"The five pillars of Islam constitute our Creed. The Revelation of God viz., the Qur’aan which we are commanded to hold firmly on, that indeed we hold firmly on. God be pleased with Umar: Like him we have the words 'sufficient unto us is the Book of God' constantly on our lips. In case of conflict and disagreement between the Hadiths and the Qur’aan we follow Hazrat Ayesha (God be pleased with her) and choose the Qur’aan, especially in the historical texts treated by all schools as above abrogation. And we believe that there is no deity, no one worthy of worship, but only Almighty Allah that our Master Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace and blessings of God be upon him), is His Rasul and Khatamal-Anbiya. And we believe that angels exist, that the resurrection of bodies after death is true, and that the Day of Reckoning is also true, that Djanna and Gehenna are also true. We believe that every thing taught about these matters by the Holy Qur’aan and the Holy Prophet is true. We believe that he who seeks to subtract an iota from this or to add an iota to this - the Sharia of Islam and also he who makes light of the statutes and practices of Islam is devoid of belief, a denier of Islam. We counsel our Jamaat to put true and sincere faith in the Holy Kalima, La Illaha Ill-Allah, Muhammad al-Rasul-Allah, to live and die by it, also to believe in all prophets and in all books, the truth of which is sanctioned by the Qur’aan; to observe in letter and in spirit the Fasts, Prayers, Zakat and Pilgrimage and all prescriptions and prohibitions laid down by Almighty Allah and His Prophet. We counsel them in short that their belief should include all beliefs and all rules of conduct agreed upon unanimously by early Muslims, that is, all matters accepted as part of Islam by the consensus of Ahl-i-Sunnah. There is no option. And we hold heaven and earth as witness that this is our creed and this is our faith."
(Ayyamal Sulh pg. 86-87)
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"We are Musalmans. We believe in the One God without a partner and in the Kalima, La Illaha Ill-Allah. We believe in the Book of God, the Qur’aan, in His Messenger Muhammad (peace on him and God's blessings) the Khatam Al-Anbiya. We believe in angels, the resurrection, hell and paradise. We observe the prescribed prayers and the fast. We turn to the Qibla for prayers and forbid ourselves what is forbidden by God and His Prophet and permit ourselves what is permitted. We add not a thing to the Sharia, nor subtract any thing from it. The Sharia is above change. Whatever has come down to us from the Holy Prophet (on whom peace and God's blessings), all that we accept, whether we understand or not and whether we can unravel its secrets and real meaning or not. We are believers with the Grace of God, and strict monotheist Muslims." (Nur al-Haq I, pg. 5)
by the grace of Allah we are Muslims in the eyes of Allah and according to the sayings of the holy prophet Muhammad [peace be on him].we Ahmadi Muslims damn care of fatwa’s of takfeer of maulvies or any government !!
1. Kafir Maulvi Bilal is a name sake Muslim by the fatwa’s of maulvies!!
2. But we Ahmadi Muslims damn care of such decrees and fatwas of maulvies!
3. by the grace of Allah we are Muslims in the eyes of Allah according to the verses of the holy Qur’aan and the sayings of the holy prophet Muhammad [peace be on him]
4.according to the fatwas of 200 "mukaffir" maulvies, Hazrat imam Hussein [may Allah be pleased with him] was declared out of Islam and worth to be killed!!
5. All the saints of Islam in the last 14 centuries have been called "kefirs" and "out of the pale of Islam”!!
6. The quid-e-azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, allama Iqbal, zulfiqar Ali Bhutto were also called "kafirs" by these mukaffir maulvies!!
7.all the sects of islam, deobandies,brailvies,ahl-e-hadis,ahl-e-quran, ,shias, sunnies have been declared and called "kafirs" and "non-Muslims" by the "mukaffir" maulvies against each others !!
8.so if these already themselves called "kafirs", lavell fatwas of "kufre" against Ahmadi Muslims, they are automatically null and void !!
9. If mukaffir “Maulvi Bilal" follows the same "fatwah-e-takfeer" of the Mecca "rabetah-e-aalmi-islami", that is only a copy of the early Meccans who stood against the holy prophet Muhammad [peace be on him]and they persecuted the holy prophet and the early Muslims and forced them to migrate to Madinah tayyebah !!
10.and those maulvies were also the "Meccans" and "najdies" who stood against the holy saint Hazrat Muhammad bin Abdul wahhab, the mujaddid of the king faisal !! Allah destroyed all "mukaffir" ulemas and now the Saudis are followers of Hazrat imam Muhammad bin Abdul wahhab!! So they should avoid "takfeer decrees" against the ahmadiyya Muslim jama'at international !!
11."rabetah alami-islami" which issued "fatwa-e-takfeer" against ahmadi Muslims is called the stooge organization of the Jews and the Christians according to the majority Muslims of brailvies in Pakistan!!
12.had the fatwah [religious decree] of "rabetah aalmi islami" under the instructions of king faisal of Saudi Arabia and zulfiqar ali bhutto,the then the prime minister of Pakistan, been good in the eyes of Allah, the king faisal would not have been killed by his nephew musaed on the "eid milad-un-nabi day " and Mr. Bhutto would not have been hanged by general zia-ul-haq!! And if general zia-ul-haq had been good in his nefarious actions against ahmadi Muslims, he would not have been killed in the aircraft along with his 15 elite members !! These three tragic incidents are actually the great historic miracles and signs of god as pharaoh was drowned in the sea !! Fa-taberoo ya ool-el-absar !!
13.satan and iblis have been trying their level best against all the prophets since the creation of Adam. And in the time of second Adam, when Allah sent the holy prophet Muhammad’s humblest servant, the holy promised messiah and mahdi and ordained him for "kasr-e-saleeb",the "breaking of the cross" and for the predominance of Islam and for the establishment of the new real world order of Islam, sorry to say, that at the instance of the Jews and Christians, Satan again stood against the ahmadi Muslims,” the jamaat-al-muslemeena wa imamamhum" under the cover of "mukaffir maulvies" and the meccan "rabetah-e-aalami-islami" !! But their satanic mechanicions are bound to fail ultimately according to the prophecy revealed to the holy promised messiah [peace be on him] in the words,” freemasons hargiz tujh par musallat naheen keay jaingay " !! It means that " freemasons "will not overpower on you !! Islam will prevail over all religions through the holy promised messiah [peace be on him]
14.in the last, i may remind "kafir and mukaffir" maulvi bilal and his deobandi group members that there is saying of the holy prophet Muhammad [peace be on him] that whoso calls a Muslim "kafir" he himself becomes a kafir !! As maulvi bilal repeatedly called ahmadi Muslims kafir, so maulve bilal himself is a dead kafir and non-Muslim!! A humble servant of ahmadiyyat, the true Islam
translation of "khatam-un-nabiyyeem"
Translation of 'Khatam an Nabiyyen' [33:41], is published by the Saudi Govt (King Fahd Holy Quran Printing Complex) and revised and edited by 'The Presidency of Islamic Researches, IFTA, Call and Guidance' the term 'Khatam an Nabiyyen' is translated as 'the Seal of the Prophets' and not the 'last prophet'. It is only in footnotes that 'the Seal' is interpreted as 'no prophet after Prophet Muhammad(sas). Thus "the last of the prophets" translation is not universally recognized as correct.
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, the Holy Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam (peace be upon him) says: "I swear by the glory of God and His Majesty that I am of the faithful, a Muslim and I believe in Allah, the High, in His Books, and in His Messengers and in His Angels and in Life after death. And I believe that Prophet Muhammad the Elect of God (peace of Allah be on him and His blessings) is the most eminent of the prophets and the Seal of Apostles." (Hamamatul Bushra, page 6) He has further stated: I call Allah, the Glorious, to witness that I am not a disbeliever. My doctrine is that there is no one worthy of worship save Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah . I believe concerning him that he was the Messenger of Allah and the Khataman Nabiyyeen. I affirm the truth of this statement with as many oaths as are the Holy names of Allah and as are the letters of the Holy Quran and as is the number of the excellencies of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. No belief of mine is contrary to the commands of Allah and His Messenger. He who imagines anything contrary to this labors under a mis-conception. (Karamatus Sadiqeen, p 25]
we ahmadi Muslims according to the Islamic terminology of prophethood, whole-heartedly believe that holy prophet Muhammad [peace be on him] is "kahatam-un-nabiyyeen", the seal of the prophets, the last of the prophets. No other "prophet" can come after the holy prophet Muhammad [peace be on him]. That is why we ahmadi Muslims believe in the death of Jesus Christ [peace be on him]. We ahmadi Muslims believe that Jesus Christ, the prophet died like all prophets [according to 30 verses of the holy Quran, sayings of the holy prophet and the latest discoveries and historical facts. his tomb is found in srinagar, kashmir in India. see this website :- [visit www.tombofjesus.com]
so Jesus Christ, the prophet being dead like all other prophets can not come after the holy prophet [peace be on him] !! But sorry to say that maulvi bilal and some Muslims believe in the life of Jesus Christ the prophet in heaven bodily since 2000 years and he will come after the holy prophet[peace be on him]. Having this belief Jesus Christ will be the last prophet !! Whoso believes in the second coming of Jesus Christ, the prophet after the holy prophet Muhammad [peace be on him] he himself is 'munkir-e-khatm-e-nabuwwat. and whoso is munkir-e-khatm-e-nabuwwat, he is anon-Muslim and kafir according to the amended constitution of Pakistan dated 7th september,1974 !!
according to the initiation form [bai't form]we ahmadi Muslims declare and believe in the words,
"i have firm faith that Hazrat Muhammad rasoolullah [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him]is khataman nabiyyeen, the seal of the prophets. I also believe that Hazrat mirza ghulam ahmad[peace be on him]was the same imam mahdi and promised messiah whose advent was prophesied by Hazrat Muhammad rasoolullah [peace be on him] !!
It may please be noted that coming of the holy promised messiah and imam mahdi is not against "khatam-un-nabiyyeen" as the holy prophet Muhammad [peace be on him] himself prophesied and gave the glade tiding of the coming of the holy promised messiah and the promised mahdi for the revival, renaissance and predominance of Islam in the latter days !!
maulvi bilal and his deobandi group members themselves are "munkir-e-khatm-e-nabuwwat" !
1.Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanotwi, the founder "Deobandi Movement" written in his book "Tahzeer-un-Nas,
"Awam kay khial maain to Rasool-lu-Allah ka "Khatam" hona ba-ien mana hay keh aap ka zamana Anmbia-e-sabiq kay zamaney kay baad aur aap sab main Aakhri Nabi hain. Magar Ahl-e-Fahm par raoshan hoga keh taqadum ya taakhur e zamaney main bi-zzat kuch fazeelat nahein... Aur bil-farz baad zamah-e-Nabawi bhi koi Nabi PAIDA HO TO PHIR BHI "Khatamiyyat-e-Muhammadi" main kuch farq nan aaega" !! [Tahzeer-un-Nas page 3,28} It means that according to the common Muslims, the meaning of "Katam" of the Holy Prophet is this that His period is the last of the former prophets and He is the last prophet.
but it is well known to the enlightened Muslims that there is no any superiority in being the first and the last....
If, suppose, any prophet is born after the period of the holy prophet [peace be on him]even then there will be no harm in "khatamiyyat-e-muhammadi" !!
Due to this reference of Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanotwi, the founder of Deobandi movement, Deobandiees in Pakistan are called "Munkir-e-Khatm-e-Nabuwwat" and "Gustakh-e-Rasool" by the Brailvi majority Muslims in Pakistan!! So Maulvi Bilal and his Deobandi group members are themselves are "Munkir-e-Khatm-e-Nabuwwat" and "Gustakh-e-Rasool", blasphemous to the holy prophet [peace be on Him] !!
Deobandies by opposing Ahmadi Muslims are trying to deceive Muslims as if they are the champions of Islam !! While actually they are "Munkir-e-Khatm-e-Nabuwwat" and ant-Islam. Their totally un-Islamic beliefs regarding Allah, The Holy Prophet... can be read by visiting
2.Maulvi Bilal and his Deobandi group members believe in the life Of Jesus Christ, the prophet in Heaven bodily since 2000 years and they also believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ after the Holy prophet Muhammad [PEACE BE ON HIM].
Believing in the life of Jesus Christ, the prophet and his second coming after the holy prophet Muhammad[peace be on him]clearly show that they do not believe in the finality of the holy prophet Muhammad [peace be on him]. So they themselves are "munkir-e-khatm-e-nabuwwat" !!
And whoso is munkir-e-khatm-e-nabuwwat, is not Muslim according to the amended constitution of Pakistan !!
Whoso is "Munkir-e-Khatm-e-Nabuwwat" is "not Muslim" according to the amended constitution of Pakistan dated 7th September,1977.
As Mulvi Bilal and his Deobandi group members are "Munkir-e-Khatm-e-nabuwwat" so they are "Not-Muslim" according to the amended constitution of Pakistan. And they DIFFER FROM Islam !!
While we ahmadi Muslims, as we whole heartedly believe in "khatam-un-nabiyyeen" so we are real Muslims in the eyes of Allah !! Not in the eyes of "mukaffir" maulvies !!
Maulvi Bilal could not and can never reply my arguments till doomsday !!
Jesus Christ died like all the prophets. this Islamic belief. so he will not return.
According to maulvi belal, the sign of the promised messiah is that Jesus Christ is alive in heaven since 2000 years bodily and he himself will descend from heaven and he will be the promised messiah !!
While Jesus Christ died like all the prophets according to the 30 verses of the holy Quran and sayings of the holy prophet Muhammad[peace be on him] clearly . So he will not come again to become the promised messiah. Another holy man from ummat-e-muhammadiyya was to come in his place as john the Baptist came in the power and spirit of Elijah !!
Subject: Jesus Christ died like all other prophets. this is real Islamic belief
Maulvi BelaL, Mr.Najeeb/Naji and all the truth
1. May Allah guide you to right path of real Islam ahmadiyyat, the true Islam.
2.Open your heart and eyes. Don’t become like Jews who are still waiting for Elijah to come down from heaven since thousand years. Don't become like Christians who are believing and waiting for Jesus Christ will come down from heaven.
Be a true Muslim and accept the real Islamic belief, the death of Jesus Christ.
3.May Allah help you to accept and declare openly and with courage the real Islamic belief that Jesus Christ died like all the prophets according to the verses of the Holy Quran, sayings of the Holy prophet Muhammad [peace be on Him, latest historical facts and scientific discoveries.
4.Christians believe in the life of Jesus Christ bodily in heaven since 2000 years ,so you also believe in His bodily life in heaven since 2000 years !! So you are a Christian by faith. You are such a staunch Christian that you believe in superiority's of Jesus Christ OVER ALL PROPHETS EVEN OVER THE HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD [peace be on Him]!!....Which EVEN CHRISTIANS DO NOT BELIEVE !!
But sorry to say that kafir maulvi belal, rashid ali, najeeb/najee and their group members believe in 14 superiority's of Jesus Christ to all the prophets even to the holy prophet Muhammad [peace be on him] !! So they have deserted real Islamic beliefs !!
They believe in that :-
[1]Jesus Christ is the only one whose birth is unique without a father .
[2]he is the only one who was safe from touching of Satan at his birth.
[3]he is the only one who used to speak wisdom in the cradle when he was of only a few days.
[4]he is the only one who used to create birds out of the clay.
[5-6] he is the only one who used to heal night-blind, the leprous only by touching them.
[7]he is the only one who used to raise the dead to life.
[8] and he is the only one who used to know the unseen and he used to tell people what you will eat and what you will store up in your houses.
[8]only his mother Mary surpassed all the women.
[9]he is the only one who is free from all sins that is why he never asked forgiveness for his sins while all other prophets asked for forgiveness.
[10]he is the only one who blessed with holy spirit and he the only one who is granted the title of kalematullah and roohullah in the holy Quran.
[11]he is the only one who was bestowed prophet hood and the book in his childhood.
[12]at the time of trial of crucifixion, he is the only one who ascended to heaven.
[13] and he is the only one who is alive in heaven bodily since 2000 years without eating, drinking even without oxygen!
[14] he is the only one who is alive in heaven bodily and will descend from heaven and will become the promised messiah and he will be the judge and all the people will accept him !!
Believing such kind of superiority's of Jesus Christ over all the prophets even to the holy prophet [peace be on him],kafir maulvi belal, najeeb and all their group members have deserted Islamic beliefs !!
5.For you information there are so many saints of Islam and great scholars of Islam who believed in the death of Jesus Christ. They include Hazrat Imam Hassan, Hazrat Ibn-e-Abbas, Hazrat Imam Malik,Hazrat Imam ibn-e-Hazm,Hafiz Ibn-ul-Qayyem,Allamah Shaukani,Abu Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Yousuf,Allama Jabai,Hazrat Shaikh Mohayyuddin ibn Arabi,Hazrat Imam Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab,Zain-ulAbedeen of Iran,Allama Shaltoot,Allama Rashid Raza,Ustaz Ahmad Alajooz,al-Ustaz Mustafa Al-Maraghi,al-Ustaz Abdul Karim Shareef, al-Ustaz Abdul Wahab aL-Najjar,Dr.Ahmad Zaki Abu Shadi of Egypt and Chief Mufti of Kenya. And from our sub-continent of Indo- Pak so many great scholars including Maulana Ubaidullah Sindhi, Nawab Azam Yar Jang, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad,Allama Iqbal, Ghulam Ahmad Parwaiz, Hazrat Data Ganj Baksh, Allam Masreqi... believed in the death of Jesus Christ !!
6.I may tell you that Jesus Christ was raised spiritually not PHYSICALLY.HE WAS EXALTED !!
DON'T BE A CHRISTIAN IN FAITH IN FAITH!! I may remind you the translation of the Holy Quran by the name "MESSAGE OF THE QURAN" was published from Mecca under the auspices of "Rabetah Aalam-e-Islami" in 1965.
In that translation of the Holy Quran, the verse "Bal rafahullaho " is translated "He exalted Him unto Himself !! And the verse "Inni mutawaffika" is translated "I shall cause thee to die" and the verse "Falamma tawaffaitani" is translated" since thou hast caused me to die" !!
And in the commentary it is written,
"Nowhere in the Quran is there any warrant for the popular belief of many Muslims that God has taken up Jesus bodily into Heaven" !!
Mr.Najeeb/Naji ! are you ready to accept the voice of Islam from Mecca ?
7.According to the latest discoveries the tomb of Jesus Christ is found in 'rauza-e-Bal,Sarinagar,Kashmir.
The Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam
An Overview
The Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam is a religious organization, international in its scope, with branches in over 178 countries in Africa, North America, South America, Asia, Australasia, and Europe. At present, its total membership exceeds 200 million worldwide, and the numbers are increasing day by day. This is the most dynamic denomination of Islam in modern history. The Ahmadiyya Movement was established in 1889 by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908) in a small and remote village, Qadian, in the Punjab, India. He claimed to be the expected reformer of the latter days, the Awaited One of the world community of religions (The Mahdi and Messiah). The Movement he started is an embodiment of the benevolent message of Islam -- peace, universal brotherhood, and submission to the Will of God -- in its pristine purity. Hadhrat Ahmad proclaimed Islam as the religion of man: "The religion of the people of the right path" (98:6)
With this conviction, the Ahmadiyya Movement, within a century, has reached the corners of the Earth. Wherever the Movement is established, it endeavors to exert a constructive influence of Islam through social projects, educational institutes, health services, Islamic publications and construction of mosques, despite being bitterly persecuted in some countries. Ahmadi Muslims have earned the distinction of being a law-abiding, peaceful, persevering and benevolent community.
The Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam was created under divine guidance with the objective to rejuvenate Islamic moral and spiritual values. It encourages interfaith dialogue, and diligently defends Islam and tries to correct misunderstandings about Islam in the West. It advocates peace, tolerance, love and understanding among followers of different faiths. It firmly believes in and acts upon the Qur'anic teaching: "There is no compulsion in religion." (2:257) It strongly rejects violence and terrorism in any form and for any reason.
The Movement offers a clear presentation of Islamic wisdom, philosophy, morals and spirituality as derived from the Holy Qur'an and the practice (Sunnah) of the Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). Some Ahmadis', like late Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan (who served as the first Foreign Minister of Pakistan; President of the 17th General Assembly of U.N.O.; President and Judge of the International Court of Justice, at the Hague), and Dr. Abdus Salam (the Nobel Laureate in Physics in 1979), have also been recognized by the world community for their outstanding services and achievements.
After the demise of its founder, the Ahmadiyya Movement has been headed by his elected successors -- Khalifas. The present Head of the Movement, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, was elected in 2003. His official title is Khalifatul Massih V.
By writing of these 80 books, He refuted the objections of enemies of Islam effectively. He highlighted the truthfulness and beauties of Islam, the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet Muhammad [peace be on Him] in such a way no enemy of Islam dared to refute his arguments. He, by reason and arguments, proved the superiority and predominance of Islam over all religions. He vindicated the true Islamic teachings and beliefs in pristine purity according to the Holy Quran and sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad [peace be on Him].He challenged all the Ulemaas of His age to face him and compete with Him in writing the best interpretation and commentary of the Holy Quran but no maulvi could dare to face Him. He is the champion of mentioning the Arabic is the source of All languages. His devotional love to the Holy Prophet [peace be on Him]and to the Holy Quran and Islam in his writings in Urdu, Arabic and Persian is unique and unparalleled!! He proved by arguments that Jesus Christ did not die on the Cross and after being cured of his injuries of the cross He traveled to Kashmir to find out the lost tribes of Israel to preach His message. And he died over there at the age of 120 years. By these two historical and scientific discoveries He accomplished the noble job of "KASR-E-SALEEB" ACCORDING TO THE PROPHECY OF THE HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD PEACE BE ON HIM.
He proved by reason and arguments that Islam is the only living religion, the holy Quran is the only living holy book and the holy prophet Muhammad [peace be on him]is the only living prophet. Because by following them there had been hundred thousands saints of Islam who were gifted by spiritual favors of Allah and now-a-day Allah has gifted him with untold spiritual favors in such a way that no enemy of Islam could face him.
Such a marvelous, divine, noble and unique works in support of Islam, can an ordinary man perform ? No never; but whosoever alleges false allegations against the holy prophet Muhammad and his illustrious humble servant of Islam [peace be on them],he himself is a mad and possessed man !!
[2]Allah the lord of all the lords blessed him, his family and his followers all over the world with the uncountable worldly favors and of spiritual favors.
[3] and these favors of Allah are continued for ever by the grace of Allah due to the blessings of the following of the holy prophet Muhammad and his spiritual son the holy promised messiah [peace be on him].
[4] the holy founder of ahmadiyya movement was of the exalted character according to the elite Muslims and non-Muslims of his age. See the comments of uncountable elite personalities including maulvi Muhammad Hussein batalve, sufi ahmad jan, maulvi siraj-ud-din father of maulvi zafar ali khan, editor "zamindar", hazrat baba ghulam farid of chachran shareef etc.
[5] whoso came in extreme opposition to the holy promised messiah and mahdi [peace be on him] was afflicted with various chastisements from Allah, the almighty.
[6]and the history of ahmadiyyat shows that Allah with his mighty hands helped the holy promised messiah, his family and his followers throughout the world and blessed them with glorious successes. Such kind of favors and blessings can not be bestowed and given to to a false prophet and reformer.
Sign of the Eclipses
Hadhrat Ali bin Umar al-Darqutni (918-995) has recorded a tradition (Hadith) of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing of Allah be on him, in his book Sunan Dar Qutni, as reported by Hadhrat Imam Baqar, regarding the appearance of Imam Mahdi. It states that one of the signs for the appearance of the Mahdi will be that the Moon will be eclipsed on the first night of the three possible nights of an eclipse. And the Sun will be eclipsed on the middle day of the three possible days of an eclipse. Both will occur in the month of Ramadhan. This heavenly sign occurred during the month of Ramadhan in April 1894 when Hudhoor had already declared that he was the Mahdi Mauood (Promised Mahdi). There was an eclipse of the Moon on the first night of the three possible night’s i.e. the 13th Ramadhan, 1311 Hijra (March 21st, 1894) and there was an eclipse of the Sun on the middle day of the three possible days i.e. 28th Ramadhan 1311 Hijra (April 6th, 1894).
Next year in the western hemisphere, the Moon was eclipsed on March 11, 1895 and the Sun was eclipsed on March 26th, 1895.
This great sign is referred to as Sign of the Eclipses. This sign has been pointed out in Chapter al-Qiyama (75:9) of the Holy Quran also. In the Bible (Mark 13:24) it is also stated “ But in those days, after that tribulation, the Sun shall be darkened, and the Moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall be falling from the heaven and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken”.
This was another glorious sign manifested by Allah the Exalted to prove the truthfulness of His servant the Promised Messiah (AS).
6.Had the holy promised Messiah and Mahdi, the founder of Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam not been from Allah, the Almighty, He would have not succeeded in his sacred mission all over the world in face of extreme opposition from all quarters of opponents.
No pretender and FALSE prophet can succeed in his mission according to the verses of the holy Quran. God helps only to His true messengers. see the verses of the Holy Quran Surah Yunus verse 18 .Surah Ta Ha verse 62,Sura Al-Mujadelah verse 22 , Surah Al-Safat verses 172,173,174 and Anbia verse 45
By the help and grace of Allah Ahmadiyya movement in Islam is progressing day by day and is now spread in more than 178 countries of the world numbering more than 200 millions people in spite of extreme opposition from all from all quarters, Christians, Muslims, Hindoos...etc. This onward progress and success throughout the world over clearly shows the truthfulness of the Holy promised Messiah and Mahdi [peace be on Him].
The arguments of the truthfulness of the holy Promised Messiah and Mahdi are the same by which we prove the truthfulness of all the reformers and prophets.
There are three basic arguments for the truthfulness of the holy prophet Muhammad [peace be on Him] in the verse of the holy Quran,
“Af man kana ala bayyenatin-mir-Rabbehi wa yatlooho shahedun minho wa min qablehi kitabo moosa imamam wa rahmah. [Surah Hud verse 18].
It means there are three basic arguments to show the truthfulness of the holy prophet Muhammad [peace be on Him].
Three arguments in three times, past, present and future: -
1. In the present age, [when the holy prophet came 1400 years before] He came with clear signs and miracles of God.
2. In the past age, He came according to the prophecies and revelations of the former prophets and sacred scriptures.
3. In the future, His prophecies and revelations will be fulfilled. And in the future A GREAT WITNESS will come and vindicate the truthfulness of the holy prophet [peace be on Him] by heavenly signs, miracles and arguments.
All these three basic arguments are the arguments for the truthfulness of the holy Promised Messiah and Mahdi [peace be on him].
1.He came with three hundred thousands signs and miracles of God according to His marvelous book “Haqiqat-ul-Wahye” page 67-68.
2.He came in accordance with the prophecies of former prophets and the sacred scriptures.
3.He was blessed with and recipient of the prophecies and revelations abundantly about the future. Hundred of those of those Prophecies and revelations have been fulfilled and some revelations are yet to be fulfilled.
In this connection, in view of the above-mentioned basic three arguments, by the grace of Allah I have composed a detailed thesis consisting of 600 pages on computer, on the topic,
“ One Hundred And Eleven [111] distinguishing signs and features of the true Promised Messiah and Mahdi in Comparison to Masih-e-Dajjal” according to the revelations and prophecies of the sacred scriptures, the holy Bible, the holy Quran, the sayings of the holy prophet and sayings of the saints of Islam.
This computerized thesis can be obtained on contributions.
Some arguments of the truthfulness of the Holy Promised Messiah and Mahdi are written hereunder: -
HE Came in accordance of the prophecies
1. He came in accordance of the prophecies and revelations of the early Prophets and sacred scriptures: -
According to the revelations and prophecies, his name is Ahmad, he came at the head of the fourteenth century, in the East, in India, in the east of Damascus, in a village Qadian, his community’s name is “Ahmadi”, his complexion is wheat color, [“gandami”] having straight hair, “different to Jesus Christ, Whose complexion was reddish having curly hair, according to the sayings of the prophet peace be on Him.
He was from the Persian progeny.
He claimed to be the Promised Messiah and Mahdi in 1890-91, at the right time, at the time of triumph of Christianity to break the Cross, at the end of thirteenth and beginning of the fourteenth century of Hijra according to the prophecies of the sacred scriptures..
He was blessed with pious progeny especially with an illustrious promised son “Musleh-e-Maud” having outstanding 58 attributes according to the prophecies of “Talmood”, Bible, the saying of the holy Prophet [peace be on Him] and the prophecies of the holy Promised Messiah [peace be on Him].
He repulsed the onslaughts and objections raised against Islam, the holy Quran and the holy prophet from all quarters of Christians, Areyas, Hindus, Philosophers and proved the truthfulness, superiority and predominance of Islam over all religions by heavenly signs, reasons and arguments and not by sword.
He vindicated the saving of Jesus Christ from the accursed death on the cross and reformed the Christian beliefs of divinity of Jesus Christ, trinity and atonement and explained the realities in this connection. He proved the death of Jesus Christ and he pointed out that his grave is found in Sarinagar, Kashmir, in India. By these latest discoveries he proved the untruthfulness of Christian beliefs and performed the remarkable job of “Kasr-e-Saleeb” prophesied by the holy Prophet of Islam!!
Now the crumbling of Christianity as a religion and softening the world of trinity like the melting snow is a great sign of God.
The holy Promised Messiah had so many similarities with Jesus Christ that is why he was called, ”Ibn-e-Maryam”.
As Jesus Christ came in fourteenth century after Moses without a new code of life, he didn’t come to abrogate the old testament [Torah], he came to fulfill the commandments of Moses. So also the holy Promised Messiah came in fourteenth century after the holy Prophet Muhammad [peace be on Him] and he did not bring a new [shariah] code of life, he did not come to abrogate the holy Quran; he came to fulfill the commandments of the holy Quran and to preach its message throughout the world!! . He vindicated the universal religious brotherhood by highlighting the truthfulness of all the prophets and divines of all religions including, Krishna, Ramah, Buddha and Guru Bawa Nanak [peace be on them] according to the teachings of the holy Quran,
Wa inmin ummatin illa khala fiha nazeer” and “wa lkulle qaumin haad” and “ wa lkulle ummatin rasool” [Surah Fatir verse 25 and Surah Rad verse 8 and Surah Yunus verse 48] It means that in every nation we have sent our reformers, spiritual guides, warners and messengers.
And He came after “Masih-e-Dajjal ” to defend Islamic values.
The holy Promised Messiah written more than 90 remarkable books in which he vindicated the beauties and superiorities of ISLAM, THE HOLY PROPHET AND THE HOLY QURAN over all religions.
By the grace of Allah I have composed 23 articles on computer on various subjects of Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam. One of those articles is the comprehensive research work on the topic of “The beauties and superiorities of Islam and the Holy Quran in comparison to other religions” I have picked up 32 beauties and superiorities of Islam and the holy Quran from the ideas and writings of the holy Promised Messiah [peace be on him].
This comprehensive thesis consisting of 800 pages can be available by contributions.
. The holy Promised Messiah reformed some ideas and beliefs attributed to Islam, the holy Quran and the holy Prophet of Islam. And he vindicated the reality of various
Islamic beliefs regarding God, angles, holy books, the holy Quran, the prophets, The holy Prophet Muhammad [peace be on Him], fourteen supposed superiorities of Jesus Christ over all prophets, Jin, Satan, Dajjal [Anti-Christ], Jihad, Revelation reality and blessings of prayers, life after death, Heaven and Hell etc. Such kind of his work is called,” Tajdeed-e-Din” reformation of the supposed beliefs of Islam.
. The holy Promised Messiah, due to his piety and devotional love to the holy Prophet was granted miraculously the knowledge of holy Quran and “Oloom-o-Maarif” in such a way that nobody could compete with him.
. He claimed to be the Promised Messiah and Mahdi after having the revelations from God and He was recipient of the revelations of God for 40 years, which no false prophet can achieve such a long period.
. The holy Promised Messiah due to the devotional love and following to the holy Prophet Muhammad [peace be on Him] was blessed with communion with God abundantly and was granted revelations and prophecies of God abundantly.
Due to these great favors in abundance, He was given the unique spiritual title of “Prophet and Ummati”. His revelations are compiled in a book called, “Tazkirah” consisting more than 500 pages!!
. He was vehemently opposed from all quarters of Muslims, Christians, and Hindus etc as it had been used to with all the reformers and prophets. Due to the extreme opposition and “Takzeeb” the world experienced numerous annihilating wars, earthquakes, pestilences and terrible catastrophes according to the prophecies.
In accordance to the saying of the holy prophet [peace be on Him], the Ahmadiyya Jma’at was excluded from all other 72 Muslim sects during the anti-Ahmadiyya disturbances of Pakistan in 1953 and 1974. While the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at is the only Jama’at having resemblance to holy Prophet Muhammad and His companions, which shows their truthfulness.
After the advent of the holy Promised Messiah Allah has brought about revolutionary changes and development of science and technology and speedy means of communications to unite the world according to the prophecies of the sacred books including the holy Quran.
. Allah has established the sublime, unique and blessed order of “Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya” after the demise of the holy promised Messiah according to the prophecies of holy Quran and sayings of the holy Prophet [peace be on Him]. The present spiritual head of Ahmadiyya movement in Islam is Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, who was elected on 22nd April,2003 as khalifat-ul-masih-ul-Khamis [aba],the fifth successor to the holy Promised Messiah [peace be on Him]
By this blessed “Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya” Ahmadi Muslims are united and well organized all over the world for the sacred cause of spreading Islam and establishing the spiritual revolution throughout the world!!
2.The holy promised Messiah came with hundred thousands signs and miracles of God, some of these signs were shown in various parts of the world.
. His thirty thousand prayers were accepted regarding his family, friends and foes.
. God showed two great heavenly signs of lunar and solar eclipses according to the revelations and prophecies of the holy Bible, the holy Quran, the saying of the holy prophets and the saints of Islam. These two eclipses were to occur in the time of the Promised Messiah and Mahdi in the month of Ramadan. It being quite an unusual natural phenomenon strangely enough, both the Moon and the Sun were eclipsed on the specified dates in the month of Ramadan in 1894 in India and 1895 in the western world!! When the founder of ahmadiyya movement had already claimed that He was the Promised Messiah and Mahdi. And He himself strongly explained these two heavenly signs in support of his truthfulness.
. Thousands people after having visions and dreams testified the truthfulness of the holy Promised Messiah peace be on Him.
. According to the revelations, the death of Piggott of England and the death of Alexander Dowie of Zion, Illinois, U.S.A on March 8,1904 and the death of Joseph Smith, he founder of the Mormon Church, America were great signs of God for the West and the death of Pandit Lekhram was a great sign of God for the people of India.
His Revelations and Prophecies fulfilled
There was a time when the holy founder of Ahmadiyya movement in Islam was un- known person in his town in Qadian. . Nobody knew him. In those very days Allah revealed to him in the words:-
According to this great prophecy now the message of Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam is reaching the corners of the Earth.
Now the Ahmadiyya movement in Islam has spread in more than 174 countries in Africa, North America, South America, Asia, Australia and Europe. At present its total membership exceeds 170 millions. And the numbers are increasing day by day. Ahmadiyya movement within a century reached the corners of the Earth.
Through M.T.A [Ahmadiyya Muslim Television] the voice of Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam is reaching all over the world .The holy Quran has been translated and published in 52 languages of the world, in near future the number of the translations of the holy Quran will be 100 by the grace of Allah. All these faith enhancing sacred works for the onward progress of Islam are being done due to the favors of Allah and due to the blessings of khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. Under the Divine guidance of the present international spiritual head, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad,Khalifat-ul-Masih-ul- Khamis [aba], the Ahmadiyya Community is progressing extraordinarily all over the world.
. Allah revealed to the holy Promised Messiah,
“Whoso ever helps him in his sacred cause, Allah will help him and whoso disgraces him, Allah will disgrace him.”
This prophecy has been fulfilled hundred thousands times. Sir Muhammad Zafrullah Khan helped the holy Promised Messiah.
He Was Promoted to the foreign Minister of Pakistan for a long time, he Presented the case of Palestine and Kashmir effectively in U.N.O. and became the President of General Assembly of U.N.O and the President Judge of International court of Justice, Hague!!
And whoso wanted to disgrace Him, Allah disgraced him.
A great prophecy regarding the former prime minister of Pakistan Mr. Bhutto and the former army ruler Zia-ul-Haq has been fulfilled miraculously according to the book, ”Zia-ul-Haq” written and published by the holy promised in 1895. !! The whole world was astonished to know the hanging of Mr. Bhutto in 1979 and blowing up the aircraft of General Zia-ul-Haq in 1988!!
Ahmadiyya movement in Islam was founded under the Divine guidance by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the holy Promised Messiah ,Promised Mahdi and the Reformer of the latter days on 23rd March,1889 at Ludhiana, in India with the objective to rejuvenate Islamic moral and spiritual values. It advocates peace, tolerance, love and understanding among the followers of different faiths. It firmly believes and acts upon the Quranic teaching: “La ikraha fi-ddin” [2: 57]. It means THERE IS NO COMPULSION IN RELIGION. It strongly rejects violence and terrorism in any form and for any reason. Islam is the religion of peace.
Ahmadiyya movement in Islam is not a mundane movement or a political party. It is a purely religious worldwide organization. It is founded under divine guidance according to the prophecies and revelations of sacred scriptures, the holy Bible, the holy Quran and sayings of the holy prophet Muhammad peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
The holy prophet Muhammad [peace be on him] gave glad tidings in his sayings that “Masih-e-Maud” and the Promised Mahdi will come in the latter days when Islam and Muslims will remain by name only and the holy Quran will be left in words only. Enemies of Islam particularly Dajjal [Anti-Christ] and Gog and Magog will supersede the whole world in such a way that no other power can face them and the people will about to think that Islam is a spent force, short lived and will perish away!! In such odd circumstances the holy prophet clearly prophesied, ”Kaifa tahleko ummati ana fi awwaleha wal-masiho fi aakhreha”! It means how my ummat can perish when I am at its beginning and the Messiah is at its end!
In the verse of the holy Qura’an,” huwallzi baasa
fil-ummeyyeena rasoolan minhum …….wa aakhreena minhumlamma yalhaqu behim” [Surah Jumu ah verse 3-4], Allah prophesied that holy prophet Muhammad [peace be on Him] was sent not only for the Arabs among whom He was raised but for all non-Arabs as well, and not only for his contemporaries but also for the generations to come till the end of time.
The reference in the verse is to the second advent of the holy prophet himself in the person of the Promised Messiah in the latter days.
In the commentary of this verse, there is a saying of the holy prophet in the authentic book of Bukhari. And that is: -
Abu Hurairah says, “One day we were sitting with the holy prophet when Surah Jumuah was revealed. I enquired from the holy prophet for three times, who are these people to whom the words, “And among others of them who have not yet joined them, refer”?
Salman Farsi, the Persian, was sitting among us. Upon my repeatedly asking him the same question, the holy prophet put his hand on Salman and said,” If faith were to go up to the Pleiades, A MAN from these would surely, find it “!!
[Bukhari kitab-u-tafseer, commentary of surah Jumuah verse “wa aakhreena minhum lamma yalhaqoo behim”] This saying of the holy prophet shows that the verse applies to a man of Persian descent. Thus the Quran in the present verse refers to the Second Advent of the holy prophet in the person of the Promised Messiah.
This verse also shows the sublime and unique status of the holy promised Messiah in “Ummat-e-Muhammadiyya”. He is the only one who is complete image [aks-e-Kamil] of the holy prophet peace be on him. That is why the coming of the holy promised Messiah is mentioned in this verse, the coming of the holy prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him.
And due to being the complete image [Aqs-e-kamil] of the holy prophet, only the holy promised Messiah in “ummat-e-muhammadiyya” was given the sublime and unique spiritual title of “Nabi and Ummati” by the holy Prophet!!
The above mentioned verse of the holy Quran,” Howallzi baasa fil ummeyyeena rasoolan minhuh…. Wa aakhareena minhum” clearly shows that holy prophet Muhammad [peace be on Him] was sent
For two kinds of people: -
[1] For “Ummeyyeen” for those people who were illiterate
[2] And for other people who were different from “Ummeyyeen” [they were to be literate and educated] and they yet did not meet and joined the earliest companions of the holy prophet [peace be on Him]. So by these words of the holy Quran, it is clysters clear that there are two advents and two periods, [two “zahoors” and two “Nashateen”] periods of renaissances for the holy prophet and Islam.
In the first advent and the first period was called the period of “takmeel-e-Din” when the “Shariah” of the holy Quran was completed and the aspect of “Jalal”, the glory and grandeur of the holy prophet and Islam was shown to the world like the shining and glowing of the Sun!!
And in the Second Advent and in the second period, the aspect of “Kamal” of the holy Prophet, and the beauties and superiorities of the holy prophet, the holy Quran and Islam, were destined to be shown like the sweet, pleasant and consoling light of the Moon!
And in this Second Advent and in this second period of the holy prophet, which is the indirect period of the holy promised Messiah, the victory and predominance of Islam throughout the world was prophesied in the holy Quran. [Surah Fatah verse 29 and Surah Assaf verse 10].
This golden and blessed period is called the period of the complete propagation of Islam throughout the world and the period of world-unification,[“Takmeel-e-Ishaat-e-Din” and “Wahdat-e-aqwam-e-alam”] when all the people of all countries became united due to various speedy means of communications. This was a Divine plan so that the peaceful message of the holy Quran and Islam, should reach easily to the corners of Earth!! And the whole world should be united like a global village in one Religion and in one world order of humanity!!
In this blessed period it was destined and prophesied that the beauties of the holy prophet and the teachings of the holy Quran and superiorities of Islam were to be widely published and spread throughout the world in such a way that Islam will to be victorious and dominant over all religions by heavenly signs, arguments and reasons and not by sword!!
The Prophecies of the sacred scriptures including the holy Quran Are fulfilled in this age. The long awaited, the holy Promised Messiah has came at the right time and at the right place and His movement is spreading by leaps and bounds all over the world in spite of extreme opposition and persecutions from all quarters of Muslims, Christians, Hindus and others.
Now in this 15th Hijrah century, we hope that all the good-natured people from all over the world will rally around the banner of Islam, and will be gathered under the blessed footsteps of the holy prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him. There will be one God, One religion and one humanity!! The new world order of Islam, and “Love for all, hatred for none “ will be established. GOD WILLING !
May Allah help us to fulfill our responsibilities in this sacred cause and may Allah open the eyes of Muslim brothers and others to accept the Holy Promised Messiah and Mahdi and reformer of the latter days. Amin.
dmshahed@yahoo.com www.alislam.org www.tombofjesus.com
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Voice of Moderate Muslims

Voice of Moderate Muslims
Moderate Islam Speaker

Moderate Islam Speaker
quraan burning
Planned Muslim Response to Qur'an Burning by Pastor Jones on September 11 in Mulberry, Florida
August 19, 2013| Dallas, Texas
Mike Ghouse
Text/Talk: (214) 325-1916
Mirza A Beg
(205) 454-8797
We as Muslims plan to respond to pastor Terry Jones' planned burning of 3000 copies of Quran on September 11, 2013 in positive terms.
Our response - we will reclaim the standard of behavior practiced by the Prophet concerning “scurrilous and hostile criticism of the Qur’an” (Muhammad Asad Translation Note 31, verse 41:34). It was "To overcome evil with good is good, and to resist evil by evil is evil." It is also strongly enjoined in the Qur’an in the same verse 41:34, “Good and evil deeds are not equal. Repel evil with what is better; then you will see that one who was once your enemy has become your dearest friend.”
God willing Muslims will follow the divine guidance and pray for the restoration of Goodwill, and on that day many Muslim organizations will go on a “blood drive” to save lives and serve humanity with kindness.
We invite fellow Americans of all faiths, races, and ethnicities to join us to rededicate the pledge, “One nation under God”, and to build a cohesive America where no American has to live in apprehension, discomfort or fear of fellow Americans. This event is a substitute for our 10th Annual Unity Day Celebration (www.UnitydayUSA.com) held in Dallas, but now it will be at Mulberry, Florida.
Unwittingly Pastor Jones has done us a favor by invigorating us by his decision to burn nearly 3000 copies Quran on September 11, 2013. Obviously he is not satisfied by the notoriety he garnered by burning one Qur'an last year.
As Muslims and citizens we honor the free speech guaranteed in our constitution. We have no intentions to criticize, condemn or oppose Pastor Terry Jones' freedom of expression. Instead, we will be donating blood and praying for goodness to permeate in our society.
We plan to follow Jesus Christ (pbuh), a revered prophet in Islam as well as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) – that of mitigating the conflicts and nurturing good will for the common good of the society.
We hope, this event and the message will remind Muslims elsewhere in the world as well, that violence is not the way. Muslims, who react violently to senseless provocation, should realize that, violence causes more violence, and besmirches the name of the religion that we hold so dear. We believe that Prophet Muhammad was a mercy to the mankind, and we ought to practice what we believe and preach. We must not insult Islam by the negative reactions of a few.
We can only hope it will bring about a change in the attitude of the followers of Pastor Jones, and in the behavior of those Muslims who reacted violently the last time Pastor sought notoriety – We hope this small step towards a bridge to peaceful coexistence would propel us towards building a cohesive society.
Like most Americans a majority of Muslims quietly go about their own business, but it is time to speak up and take positive action instead of negative reaction. May this message of peace and goodwill reverberate and reach many shores.
Lastly, we appreciate the Citizens of Mulberry, Florida, Honorable Mayor George Hatch, City Commissioners, police and Fire Chiefs for handing this situation very well. This will add a ‘feather of peace’ in the City’s reputation. We hope Mulberry will be a catalyst in showing the way in handling conflict with dignity and peace.
We thank the Media for giving value to the work towards peace rather than conflict.
URL- http://worldmuslimcongress.blogspot.com/2013/08/planned-muslim-response-to-quran_18.html
Thank you.
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